Friday, June 3, 2011

quotes for love tagalog

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  • z3r0
    Apr 14, 07:41 PM
    OS X isn't much of a FreeBSD brethren, maybe user land but not much else.

    I wish Apple would just build Mac OS X on top of FreeBSD kernel instead of the Mach/XNU frankenstein.

    There are some real nice features in FreeBSD that would require a kernel re-write in Darwin. I'd love to have Jails, ZFS, capsicum, pf, and other tech available with aqua.

    If thats out of the question at least port their server end software to FreeBSD. Final Cut Server, Xgrid, Xsan, Open Directory etc... wont see much use with out the Xserve.

    Seeing as OS X is a FreeBSD brethren it's not hard to realize that while XServe is decommissioned that they are still designing, developing and testing future Server Hardware and the Data Center is a great testing ground amidst a huge swath of 3rd party hardware inside there.

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  • DrJohnnyN
    Mar 7, 05:28 PM

    Why wait outdoors (Knox) when you can wait indoors (Northpark)?

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  • CaoCao
    Apr 10, 12:17 AM
    First other organizations offer abortions as well. So I'm not sure what your logic is getting at.

    Second PP was not started by the KKK.

    Finally, I don't know if what Abby Johnson is saying is true but if abortions are truly going on at a magnitude that she suggests and PP is illegally funding them, I don't know why she's the only firsthand source.

    I dont know how many of you guys actually have firsthand experience with PP and how many are just doing the keyboard jockey thing but I've been in 3 Planned Parenthood waiting rooms. Those places are always packed with women. It'll be raining and the place won't open for another hour and there will still be a line outside. From looking around, I have never seen any woman there with a late term pregnancy. What I did see were a lot of women - usually from high school to mid-20's, lower income, probably no health insurance. Since my high school days, PP has always been the primary resource for testing and/or contraception. Through their counseling, which is actually pretty effective, it's also one of the best resources to learn how to be sexually responsible.
    Margaret Sanger had "interesting" views of minorities
    That's a little simplistic don't you think?

    One would assume that you'd also be pro gun control, pro universal healthcare and anti military if not "diminish[ing] that asset" was truly so important to you.

    Somehow, I doubt that you're consistent in your stance.
    Pro-gun control (okay on hunting rifles/shotguns, no on automatics and mandatory gun safety training for urban possession). Pro-universal healthcare. The military could be a lot less involved internationally and still maintain Pax Americana.
    I am that consistent.
    Who says people are the greatest asset? Do you know what happens when bacteria overwhelms its environment? Have you ever heard of too much of a good thing? ;)
    I also advocate for a simpler lifestyle
    Well, Cao Cao for one.

    So I'm eager to hear of all the political programs he suports that enhance the probability of health and livelihood for all people, lest one of those precious assets suffer an untimely demise.

    Cao Cao must be a big proponent of speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA, government regulations, etc.
    Well to Marxists people are the greatest asset and in a way in capitalism too.
    Yes, I support speed limits, helmet laws, OSHA, the FDA, the EPA.
    I call fake photo. Just look at the "photo credit:" slapped on bottom right corner.

    From wikipedia ( (because that's the fastest way for me to search this little piece of history)

    All she did was give a speech on birth control to women in that organization.

    Oh, and how are people (especially the very young) going to know about consequences if they are not properly informed of consequences and dangers? Are you (CaoCao) proposing that they know of these things after the fact. After teens have already gotten pregnant because they didn't understand and were told about birth control and what it does. Are they told only after contracting an STD from an infected partner who didn't know that he/she was infected.

    I know it is probably shopped, I was using that image to represent Margaret Sanger's views on eugenics and treatment of minorities.

    People need to be adequately informed of consequences and dangers, it is vital to discouraging them.

    eawmp1, have you done both? What is easier, a couple hours of pain or eighteen years of hard work?

    I love how in 2009 Planned Parenthood did 332,278 abortion and 977 adoption referrals, that's like 340 to 1

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  • Geckotek
    Apr 12, 07:47 PM
    This is not surprising. All the Chinese resellers who were buying iPads in NYC are unlikely to buy the Verizon CDMA, because it cannot be used abroad. The GSM version (i.e. the ATT version) is one that can be used in most places abroad, as long as the iPad is unlocked.

    Wrong, China has CDMA. Same CDMA we have. (they also have another proprietary form of CDMA as well)

    However, the scalpers I've seen don't seem to be sending them to China.


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  • yankintx
    Nov 18, 07:02 AM
    So a 17 year old can do it but a gigantic company with $50 billion lying there can't. Seems logical to me. :rolleyes:

    Wake up Steve. Seriously.

    Don't fault apple for insisting that the white iPhone parts match perfectly.
    You can bet that if the suppliers could make parts to apples standards, then apple would sell white iPhone.
    If someone does a conversion and then has minor issues such as light leak and parts not matching 100%, they will most likely put up wih it.

    If apple sold white iphones with the same issues, it would be a disaster and a public relations nightmare. So many people who read these forums complain about things so minor, and yet they will put second rate parts on their iPhones and be happy with them.
    I don't blame apple one bit for scrubbing the white iPhone.

    Go figure!

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  • jaw04005
    Oct 10, 04:15 PM
    I can't wait. I love this game and played it not too long ago on emulation. I hope it translates well. A lot of the arcade ports don't translate well since they were designed with a higher level of difficulity in order to force you to spend more money.

    I guess the Konami code would work though. I want X-Men Children of the Atom next.


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  • MacRumors
    Apr 5, 08:27 AM (

    An anonymous reader sent in these images which claim to be photos of a prototype (DVT-1) 5th Generation iPod Touch. According to the submitted the front has a capacitive home button, back with markings of DVT-1, and connected volume buttons. The settings also show a 128GB capacity.

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  • Jaffa Cake
    Dec 16, 03:05 PM
    Tom B. – a couple of things in your article that caught my eye...

    ...when you look at [Christmas Number ones] over recent years, it was Bob the Builder one year, Mr Blobby…there's a tradition of quite horrible songs...Hmm. Wasn't Cowell himself behind Mr Blobby's single? :p

    Indeed, in his early career he was behind a lot of one-hit novelty songs so I think its a tad hypocritical that he's now turning his nose up at such songs for being 'horrible'.

    I think we were getting to a point where [the Christmas chart] was all becoming like The Millennium Prayer, and I just didn't like that song.Now, I didn't like that song myself either – and I'm certainly not a Cliff Richard fan. However, I was delighted when that song got to number one, simply because DJs and people like Cowell were so opposed to it doing so.

    See, he song didn't have anything like the airplay or marketing behind it that the manufactured crap that fills the charts does – and in fact the reaction it got from sneering DJs was poor at best – but it got to number one simply because Cliff had enough fans and enough people liked the song that it was able to sell more copies than the sort of stuff Cowell and his cronies would prefer us to buy instead.

    So fair play to Cliff for that, and I'd rather have proper musicians like him or Rage Against The Machine topping the charts this Christmas than some spotty oik doing a cover of, of all things, a Hannah Montana song.


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  • viperguy
    Mar 26, 03:54 PM
    Steve Jobs - never changing his clothes. :p
    I can imagine what his wardrobe looks like lol


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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 1, 05:00 PM
    I'm hoping one of the super secret features is a completely reworked Finder.

    I agree Finder is slower than a snail. Many Mac fans live in denial about the s-l--o--w f----i-----n-------d--------e----r but it is a joke compared to XP. I love OS X and it would be easy to impress others with it's elegance if it weren't for the S-L--O---W F----I-----N------D-------E--------R.

    Great! The pop-up menu on my documents folder in the dock just opened. Bye Bye.


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  • MacRumoron
    Oct 26, 08:32 PM
    cool, i just got .mac last week :)

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  • maclaptop
    May 2, 04:57 PM
    Consequently, the difference may be an issue of quality control with some phones exhibiting the difference while others do not, rather than an intentional design change to specify the thicker profile.

    I can most definitely believe this.

    I've personally witnessed the rather dramatic decline in Apple quality control over the last year.

    It's unlike ever before and very discouraging.

    Although I'm the first to admit Apple is excellent about replacing defective units, one would think it would save them money to build them right the first time.

    An approach like that would save the customer the time and trouble of having to return, return, return as I went through with FOUR BTO MBP's where each of the faults were confirmed as significant by the Genius at my local Apple store.

    Lucky for me, I have an Apple Store just three miles from my house.

    I would hate to think of the poor souls that have to drive a long ways to visit one.

    Apple is an excellent company, there is no excuse for letting product quality slip down to Dell Levels.


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  • advocate
    Sep 28, 12:42 AM
    You are correct!!! 10 will always be 2. 01 will always be 1. Endianness swaps the bytes, not the bits. Binary addition would be hell if the bits were swapped... Plus then writing bit-operators and using bit-masks in C would just be a pain in the arse when it came time to compile that game for 5 different platforms.
    The bits ARE "swapped", but the whole processor is "swapped" so nobody notices- until you start looking at multibyte values.

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  • Nym
    Nov 14, 01:44 PM
    All we can do is try to live our lives as best we can. That can be done within a religion, or without.

    Exactly, I agree with you, like I said, Christmas is a word to be taken by its "happy" meaning, I too celebrate Christmas as a time of peace and all that even though I'm not religious. and I agree with people being too intolerant these days about these sensitive issues.
    However, I was talking about Catholicism because in my country 90% of all the population follows that particular branch of Christianity and I know first-hand how badly it is misinterpreted these days, it's an excuse for sexism, racism, homophobia, xenophobia and all the things that make me sad about the human being (in my country of course, maybe there the situation's different).
    As you can see by the things that I dislike about the human race, I'm truly an anti-prejudice/discrimination person, and If you thought that I made any offensive comment to you or anybody, it was not the reason why I posted in the first time, I only thought that Mike's first comment was extremely aggressive to other people's religions, as you see, I didn't even relate to what he said but I felt the need to intervene.

    Hope that clears it up.

    BTW - I cannot post in the new thread you created so.. I guess my contribution will end here :)


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  • Mike Teezie
    Nov 28, 10:53 AM
    Is it possible to find out what company is hosting a website?

    My family's business website was built years ago, and then neglected. They still own the domain, and the site is still up.

    They want to rebuild the site now, but after two office moves, can't find any of the records of who is hosting the thing.

    Is there any way to find out?

    Here is the site, if it helps:

    link (

    quotes for love tagalog. Quotes About Love Tagalog Sad.
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  • Eraserhead
    May 13, 02:06 PM
    I do still prefer my titles as they are more user-friendly and product centric rather than type centric. For example with your way is that iPod Touch software would be in a different place from iPod Touch hardware. But your layout does have the advantage of less options to click on and it is still a lot better than the existing layout.


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  • likemyorbs
    Apr 12, 02:54 PM
    But at the other extreme, I'm sure we all agree it is entirely unacceptable to deny somebody a job, say, because of their ethnicity. This would be ultimately harming them for it; and when we harm others by practising our opinions against them, we breach a fundamental tenet of Western society.

    Of course it is unacceptable, and for this reason it is already illegal. ;)

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  • AppleScruff1
    May 2, 12:57 PM
    This is truly breaking news.

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  • Moz316
    Apr 6, 12:09 AM
    There's no such thing as a 'normal person'. The 'normal people' he is reffering to are the computer illiterate. Being computer illiterate dosen't make you normal.

    Mar 24, 11:18 PM
    I bought two in Birmingham, AL today. Way too good of an offer to pass up.

    Apr 16, 02:50 AM
    So if I understand you want to use her Netstick to provide data for your I4. I think that's what you mean. If so I ask the Netstick provider or on a forum of Netstick users.

    Apr 23, 10:25 AM
    The 320M is CUDA-capable. Intel is still evaluating OpenCL.

    OpenCL was designed so software could use the processing power of the graphics card/chip to aid the CPU to perform calculations in a way that is not dependent on sending the results to video. In gaming, however, the CPU is enough to run the back-end of the game and the GPU is mainly used to display the image rather than help the CPU in processing the game's engine. Hence OpenCL should not make that much different (perhaps a few FPS but not so much as to make the 3000 better than the 320).

    Is OpenCL akin to NVIDIA's PhysX as well as their CUDA? If so then perhaps it can help with the physics engines in some high end games (GTA IV etc comes to mind) I guess?

    nice and the new MBA version of the HD IGP will be even lower clocked and the slower processor will only make it worse

    True on the lower-clocked graphics, but I'm pretty sure the i-series processors will easily beat the 09-era Core 2s.

    The only way which the SB i-series+HD3000 will beat the C2D+320M on the gaming front (which I can think of) is if the game in question is CPU intensive.

    No way I'd buy something that expensive with Intel HD 3000. If you need the CPU of a sandy bridge processor get a MBP. The current gen of MBA is such a better mix of CPU/GPU for what the device is meant for.

    Agreed. (and not just because I'm a late 2010 Air owner too :p)

    Mar 24, 09:20 PM
    I just bought a 16gb here in San Antonio a few hours ago. My first iPad and I absolutely love it. However I just spotted a dead pixel. Guess I'll make a trip to the apple store tomorrow. They should be able to replace it, right?

    Flying Llama
    May 24, 10:03 PM
    we are in 21 place.

    Ah, thanks! :)

    (Hey we're not too far from 1st huh? ;)

    EDIT: and thanks DeSnousa too!

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